National fellowship schemes for researchers at risk
There are a small number of government-backed national fellowship schemes in Europe for researchers at risk. These provide excellent models for replication across the European Higher Education Area. Drawing on the experience of such schemes, new dedicated support programmes could be established in any number of formats, for example, government-backed support programmes, or partnerships between national education or development agencies and organisations dedicated to supporting researchers at risk, or partnerships with NGOs and international networks.
The Inspireurope+ project partners recommend the establishment of national fellowship schemes across Europe and beyond to support researchers at risk. These include researchers, scholars, scientists and other members of higher education communities who are experiencing threats to their life, liberty, or research career.
Read recommendation
Information on existing national fellowship schemes for researchers at risk
Please find below presentations on the government-backed national fellowship schemes in Germany and France which provide crucial support to researchers at risk.
The Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)
The Philipp Schwartz Initiative provides universities and research institutions in Germany with the means to host threatened foreign researchers for a period of 24 months on a fully funded research fellowship. An extension is possible under a co-financing mode.
Presentation on Philipp Schwartz Initiative, Germany
Additional presentation on Philipp Schwartz Initiative, Germany
Support provided:
- Funding for host institutions
- Information, advice & referrals
- Training/ career development opportunities
- Speaking engagements for researchers at risk
- Mentoring programmes
- Networking opportunities for researchers at risk
- Auxiliary funds for host institutions to help establish long-term support structures and fund individual career development activities
Location of fellowships/placements:
The French national PAUSE programme, hosted by College de France
The PAUSE programme is a national project initiated by the French state with support from civil society and economic stakeholders. Its mission is to facilitate the hosting of scientists from crisis zones for sufficiently long periods to enable them to integrate and to ensure continuity in their research.
Presentation on PAUSE programme, France
PAUSE presentation on national-level initiatives
Support provided:
- Funding to institutions to host researchers
- Matchmaking between institutions and researchers to set up placements
- Information, advice & referrals
- Training/career development opportunities
- Mentoring programmes
- Networking opportunities for researchers at risk
Location of fellowships/placements: