1. MSCA4Ukraine
  2. Resources

Information & Resources for Researchers from Ukraine

1. Fellowships and academic positions in Europe

This list of resources for researchers from Ukraine was initiated by the EU-funded Inspireurope project in March 2022, and is now updated and maintained by MSCA4Ukraine.

Please see below European-wide support initiatives and opportunities listed by country.

Europe-wide support

The European Commission launched the ‘European Research Area for Ukraine’ ERA4Ukraine portal, a one-stop-shop for information and support services to Ukraine-based researchers and researchers fleeing Ukraine. The ERA4Ukraine portal is launched on the existing EURAXESS network, which supports researchers by connecting more than 600 centres and 43 national portals across the EU Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe. All information will soon be available in both English and Ukrainian.

European Research Council: Here is a list of job offers in ERC-funded research teams. The European Research Council (ERC) has appealed to its grantees to provide temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff, such as technician and lab managers, from Ukraine.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fund excellent research and innovation and equip researchers at all stages of their career with new knowledge and skills, through mobility across borders and exposure to different sectors and disciplines. The MSCA help build Europe’s capacity for research and innovation by investing in the long-term careers of excellent researchers. See a list of open calls here.

The Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, CERIC–ERIC, is an integrated multidisciplinary Research Infrastructure whose objective is to contribute to European top-level research and technological development and demonstration programs and projects.  CERIC–ERIC continues to host Ukrainian post-doctoral researchers at its partner facilities across Europe, located in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Slovenia. CERIC’s Partner Facilities will host the post-doc researchers in their premises, providing all necessary equipment for their research and will cover a salary, travel expenses, and consumables. Researchers are encouraged to propose collaborative proposals, bringing together one or more Partner Facilities. A number of specific positions are also available and will remain open until suitable candidates are found.

European Hematology Association: Ukraine Bridge Funding programme is a 1 year non-clinical funding opportunity for Ukrainian hematologists and researchers in hematology. Candidates must be working at PhD or postdoctoral level. Before applying, candidates must have already found a prospective position in a European lab or institution. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

The European Association for Cancer Research offers various fellowships and funding opportunities, which many be found on their website.

Federation of European Biochemical Societies Ukrainian Short-Term Fellowships are specifically for active molecular life scientists who are resident in Ukraine at the point of application, or displaced from Ukraine as a result of war in the country. They should be a member of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society or hosted by a scientist who is a member of a FEBS Constituent Society. These Fellowships are for short-term visits to a host laboratory for a period of up to 4 months and have a fixed monetary value of €12,000 to use for travel to the host laboratory and living subsistence for the duration of the Fellowship.

Eurizon is an EU-funded project about European scientific and technical collaboration in the field of research infrastructures (RI), and it includes in addition a special focus on coordination and support measures dedicated to support Ukrainian scientists and Ukrainian RIs as well as strengthening the RI landscape in Europe. In particular, work programme 9 focuses on providing support and training opportunities to scientists and technicians from Ukraine. Work programme 10 is designed to contribute to RI capacity building in Ukraine in all scientific domains and to enhance the sustainability of the European RIs of the consortium.

#ScienceForUkraine is an  NGO run by volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions both across Europe and around the world. Their mission is to ‘support the Ukrainian academic community in surviving Russia’s war and to help ensure the continuity of Ukraine’s science and strengthen its presence in the international science arena’. #ScienceForUkraine lists fellowship and funding opportunities all over the world.


Ernst Mach-Ukraine scholarship is open to Ukrainian students already enrolled in a regular study programme at an Austrian higher education institution as well as students, scientists and researchers from Ukraine who wish to continue their studies or projects in Austria. The grant programme is financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and implemented by the OeAD. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis without deadline.

The Institution for Human Sciences (IWM) is an institute of advanced study in humanities and social sciences that offers a variety of fellowships. Please see Programs | IWM WEBSITE for more information. IWM also has information specifically for Ukrainian researchers regarding opportunities in Austria, available at Resources for Ukrainian Scholars | IWM WEBSITE.


The Research Foundation of Flanders financially supports fundamental scientific research, strategic basic research, clinical scientific research, the purchase of large-scale and medium-scale research infrastructure, and the management of large computing capacity in Flanders. A list of open calls is available here.

The Royal Academy of Belgium offers special prizes for researchers or artists of Ukrainian or Russian origin who have expressed their opposition to the invasion of Ukraine and have been directly affected by the war. This page also contains some helpful links to initiatives in Belgium and beyond.


Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski has 16 faculties in the areas of Philosophy, History, Law, Languages, Pedagogy, Economics, Geology and Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Mathematics and Computer Science, Art and Educational Sciences. The University is prepared to offer teaching positions as guest-lecturers as well as research job in all areas above. The University is immediately ready to hire researchers in Computer Science and Nuclear engineering. If there is interest in other areas, a dedicated offer can be prepared.

Czech Republic

Charles University for Ukraine lists support services and other forms of assistance for students and scholars from Ukraine.

Czexpats in Science is an NGO uniting Czech scientists with experience from foreign institutions. From the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Czexpats are also trying to support incoming Ukrainian scientists to Czechia. One of the main activities is regular monthly UA-CZ Science Meetups where the UA scientist can present their research and also share their personal stories. Last two Meetups are possible to watch online.

More than 100 PhD topics / positions in the Czech Republic

The Institute of Sociology CAS aims to support researchers whose scientific work is threatened by war or persecution and other threats in their home country. Applicants must contact the Institute of Sociology CAS with a proposal matching the research profile of the institute. The funding is planned until the end of 2024. Part/full time opportunities are available.

Research Jobs –Job offers and other useful information, offers and links for Ukrainian researchers, scientists and their families.

Tomas Bata University offers students from Ukraine a scholarship opportunity. Tuition fees can be reduced or fully waived for students from Ukraine. A list of accredited courses is available here.

The University of Hradec Králové offers studies in Czech and English in the fields of economics, informatics and management at the Faculty of Informatics and Management, teaching and non-teaching, arts and linguistics at the Faculty of Education, science and technology at the Faculty of Science, social sciences and social at the Faculty of Arts. Monthly scholarship of 12.500 CZK are available for Ukrainian students.  Tuition fees may be waived or reduced.

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice offers opportunities for studies at all levels of education, i.e. bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, including short-term study stays. Study stays (including Czech language course) and regular studies in accredited study programmes will be supported by scholarships. Deadlines depend on the faculty.

The Technical University of Liberec offers tuition fee waivers to Ukrainian students for all study programmes at the University. A list of all study programmes is available here. 

Scholarships for Ukrainian students offered by Czech universities are listed on the following website.


Scholars at Risk Denmark, in partnership with Danske Universiteter, is calling for applications for the SARU-Fellowship Program, in support of researchers at risk from Ukrainian universities. The SARU fellowship program is supported by Novo Nordisk Fonden, Carlsbergfondet and Villum Fonden. Please find the program details below:

  • Program period: 1 November 2024 to 31 March 2026
  • Available fellowships: Approx. 23
  • Funding and duration: Fellows will be employed at a Danish university or research institution and receive a full monthly salary at Postdoc or Research Assistant level. Fellowships can last up to 12 months. The latest possible start date for a 12-month fellowship is 1 April 2025. Fellowships beginning after this date will be shortened to align with the SARU fellowship end date of 31 March 2026.
  • Eligibility: Open to all candidates from all academic disciplines. Candidates must have been affiliated as a researcher with a Ukrainian university at the time of the full Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Candidates must also have commenced a PhD educational program in Ukraine or hold a PhD degree. Candidates should have an academic proficiency in English.

The deadline for applications is 4 November 2024. For more information, visit SAR Denmark | Scholars at Risk.

Novo Nordisk Foundation lists open and upcoming calls for applications to a range of grants and fellowships in Denmark and beyond.


Pallas University of Applied Sciences is prepared to offer study opportunities for Ukrainian art students whose studies have been interrupted by the war. Every Ukrainian student application is approached on a case-by-case basis. 2023/2024 academic year, full-time studies. Ukrainian citizens can apply for all the curricula of Pallas (4 years, Bachelor level). The prerequisite for acceptance to Pallas is successfully passing the entrance exams.

The Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences offer exemptions from tuition and hostel accommodation fees for all students with Ukrainian citizenship who study in Estonian or English.

Note: applications are closed for the 2024/25 academic year – please check back for information regarding the 2025/26 academic year.


For general information regarding study and research opportunities in Finland, please see: Study and research opportunities for Ukrainians | Study in Finland Information will be updated to this site as it is available, so make sure to check back for updates, and check with higher education institutions for more detailed information.

The Finnish National Agency for Education- EDUFI fellowship for doctoral students from Ukraine. The scholarship can be granted to:

  • Doctoral students, who have fled Ukraine due to the Russian attack to Ukraine after 24 February 2022 and who have a host university in Finland (incl. both Ukrainian citizens and international students who cannot return to their home country)
  • Ukrainian doctoral students already in Finland

Priority can be given to candidates who have recently arrived to Finland. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


Institut Pasteur: In the context of the current war in Ukraine, the Institut Pasteur is committed to financing the hosting of Ukrainian researchers in its research laboratories in Paris. If you are a Ukrainian and you are looking for a host laboratory, please reach out in order to discuss a potential joint collaboration. The practical aspects (accommodation, schools, etc.) related to the hosting of the persons whose collaboration would be confirmed will be specified at a later stage. Numerous opportunities are available.

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris offers support to students and researchers from Ukraine working on atomistic simulations of new materials and/or matter at extreme conditions and/or planetary interiors. PhD and/or postdoctoral and/or visiting opportunities are available.


Leopoldina Ukraine Distinguished Fellowship– The German National Academy of Sciences introduces a special fellowship for scientists from Ukraine who have their careers in science endangered or interrupted by the war to resume or continue their research activities, and remain in academia. The funding is person-related and designed for outstanding post-doctoral level scientists from Ukraine to work on an independent research project at a university or research institution in Germany for an initial period of one year, while maintaining their affiliation at a Ukrainian institution. Applications can be submitted at any time and from any location, regardless of whether the applicant has already left Ukraine or not.

The KAAD provides scholarships for study/research projects in Germany for short-term approval for the students and scientists affected by the war. Applicants are expected to have an above-average performance in previous studies or research; a commitment to the church and social commitment or willingness to engage in interreligious dialogue and their studies/research should be oriented towards a permanent reintegration into the respective home region as soon as this is possible again. Applications can be submitted at any time via the Catholic university communities, the Catholic student communities or directly to the KAAD.

Hamburg Program for Scholars at Risk – Science Bridge for Ukraine. As part of the Science Bridge for the Ukraine, the Authority for Science, Research, Equality and Districts (BWFGB) provides the Hamburg state universities with funds for 1 to 12-month scholarships for acutely endangered researchers from Ukraine. Target group: Ukrainian researchers at risk with a doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc.) as well as at-risk Ukrainian cultural and artistic workers with a master’s degree or comparable academic degree. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

University of Potsdam offers support for academics at risk together with its international partners. Advice on support opportunities for Ukrainian scholars is available.

For information regarding opportunities at the University of Regensburg, please see Information for Students & Researchers from Ukraine – Universität Regensburg (uni-regensburg.de).

Several positions are available at the University of Hamburg for researchers impacted by the war in Ukraine:

1 position in Clinical Psychology. Please contact Prof. Dr. Tania Lincoln for further information.

2 positions in Economic Analysis of Law. Please contact Stefan Voigt for further information.

1 position in Public Management. Please contact Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel for further information.

University of Tübingen has a resource page containing supports for students and researchers from Ukraine, including faculty funding for Ukrainian researchers, orientation programmes, and information about life in Tübingen.

Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München offers a central support program for Ukrainian scholars of all disciplines. Additionally, numerous faculties, institutes and academic centers offer subject-specific scholarship and fellowship programs.

The German Environmental Agency (UBA) offers scientists from Ukraine the opportunity to work as guest scientists with the agency. Opportunities are offered across a range of fields of study.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides a number of fellowship and funding opportunities for students and scientists generally as well as specific programmes for researchers from Ukraine. DAAD compiles a list of resources for Ukrainian students and scholars studying or working in Germany. It also compiles new support offers from German universities and science organisations for students and scientists from Ukraine.

Please see below some examples of DAAD initiatives relevant to researchers from Ukraine which are currently open for applications. For a full range of DAAD scholarships available, visit the DAAD scholarship database.

DAAD Short-Term Grant: The primary aim of this programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes. The scholarships are funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. The programme provides funding for a research project or course of continuing scientific education at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university research institute in Germany, which is being carried out in coordination with an academic adviser in Germany. PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers are eligible to apply for a funding period of between one and six months. Funding stays should be completed by March 2025 at the latest. 

DAAD Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists: This programme offers an opportunity to academics and scientists to network amongst colleagues and exchange experience in the framework of short-term research stays in Germany. The scholarships are funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. University teachers and established academics and scientists who have usually completed a doctoral degree and work at a university or research institute in their home country can apply. Funding is provided for one to three months. Funding stays should be completed by January 2025 at the latest.

DAAD Future Ukraine: Research Grants for Ukrainian Masters students and researchers. Funding is available for highly qualified Ukrainian graduates, doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers to facilitate short research stays in Germany in order to strengthen cooperation between Ukrainian and German universities. Project proposals from all academic disciplines are eligible for funding. Applications must be submitted at least three months before the planned research stay. Start of funding possible from March 2024.

DAAD Study Visits for Artists and Architects. The aim of this programme is to promote artistic cooperations with German host institutions. The scholarships are funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. Scholars of architecture, fine arts, film, design, visual communication, performing arts, and music are eligible to apply for a study visit at a state or state-recognised university in Germany for an artistic cooperation with the host institution. Funding is provided for between one and three months and funding stays should be completed by January 2025 at the latest.

German Research Foundation offers numerous resources for researchers at risk.

The Association of German Art Historians: Provides a list of German funding programs for scholars and a list of institutes of art history prepared to host scholars.

For general information regarding opportunities in Germany, as well as at the University of Erfurt, please see Help for Scholars (uni-erfurt.de).


The CEU Democracy Institute (DI) in Budapest provides resources for Ukrainian researchers through the Invisible University for Ukraine.


The Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) has launched a new supplemental grant scheme to encourage and enable holders of existing SFI grants, and their associated Host Institutions, to provide opportunities for displaced researchers from Ukraine to join and collaborate on existing SFI-funded grants in order to integrate swiftly into the Irish research system, to enable them to maintain continuity in their research career and to bring added benefit to the SFI grant from their expertise.

Applications are open to principal investigators of existing SFI-funded grants to provide relevant research positions to displaced researchers from Ukraine at any stage of their research career.

Health Research Board- Rapid Response Mechanism to support Ukrainian researchers in crisis 2022 (Ucrisis 2022). Under this scheme, Principal Investigators of eligible HRB awards can request supplementary funding for a named individual/s who have been displaced by the Russian invasion in Ukraine or who cannot return to Ukraine due to the invasion (and are being supported by the Irish Government under the Temporary Protection Directive). Funding can be requested for more than one named individual. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

The Irish Research Council launched a second call (on 4 July 2023) of its’ Ukrainian Researchers Scheme to facilitate Ukrainian researchers supported by the Government under the Temporary Protection Directive to join research projects of IRC-funded principal investigators aligned to their individual research interests.

Note: As of August 2024, the scheme has been paused.

The Irish Research Council offers various fellowships and funding opportunities, which may be viewed here: Irish Research Council



University of Bologna offers a range of opportunities for Ukrainian PhD students, post-docs, researchers and professors, refugees in Ukraine or holders of a permanent residence permit in Ukraine.

The Collegio Carlo Alberto and the Rimini Centre of Economic Analysis have jointly funded a scholarship for a Ukrainian student interested in furthering her/his studies with a Master in Economics at the Collegio Carlo Alberto. The scholarship covers

  1. The tuition fee of EUR 8,000 for the Master in Economics and
  2. Housing in Turin in a structure associated with the Collegio Carlo Alberto.

Further information is available here.

University of Turin and Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi is looking for candidates to apply to the Human Frontier Science Program initiative ‘Science for Scientists’ for a one-year full-time position at the lab working on neural circuits recruited in sexual imprinting. The candidates must be postdocs/advanced Ph.D. students/faculty with experience in neuroethology and/or neuroanatomical techniques.

The Ministry of University and Research has established a special fund to finance support measures for Ukrainian students, researchers and teachers so that they can carry out their activities at universities, institutions for higher artistic, musical and dance training and Italian research bodies.


For information regarding applying to the University of Groningen as an undergraduate/postgraduate student, doctoral candidate or researcher, please see Refugees from Ukraine | Education | University of Groningen (rug.nl).

Maastricht University supports and resources for researchers and students from Ukraine.


Seed funding for project development and research cooperation aimed at Ukraine-related research: The Ukrainett+ project (2024–2026) has allocated funds to stimulate research project development and cooperation involving Norwegian and Ukrainian researchers and institutions.

The next deadline is 1st November 2024.


Cisco4Ukraine is an educational program offered by the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów (Poland) in partnership Cisco Networking Academy to support Ukrainian refugees in building their digital skills and employability. Get started with courses that focus on one of the greatest challenges facing businesses today: Cybersecurity and Python Programming Essentials and gain the practical skills you need for entry level jobs in the IT field. The courses are offered remotely so learners can benefit from the training regardless of their current or future location.

University of Warsaw has launched a programme called “Warsaw University for Ukraine” to support refugees from Ukraine who arrived in Poland from February 24, 2022. The programme offers 19 different activities and targets citizens of Ukraine from a non-academic background who crossed the border with Poland after  February 24, 2022.  All activities provided by the programme are free for participants. Activities include Polish and English language classes, computer courses, workshops and psychological support.

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)- Bilateral exchange of scientists. NAWA invites applications in the call for proposals for the bilateral exchange of scientists. The purpose of the competitions is to support the mobility of scientists in the implementation of research projects, agreed and carried out jointly by partners from partner countries. The co-financing is intended to cover only the costs of personal exchange.

The Bekker NAWA Programme-The aim of the Programme is to support the international mobility of PhD students, scientists and academic teachers in pursuit of scientific excellence by enabling them to conduct their research in renowned foreign institutions around the world. The Programme is open to PhD students and scientists representing all fields and disciplines of science as well as artistic disciplines. There are also no restrictions regarding countries where the Host Institutions are located. Research fellowships (3 to 24 months) shall allow scientists to stay in recognized research centres and to implement the Projects together with eminent foreign scientists and scientific teams as well as establish long-term relationship with foreign scientific teams.

SGH Warsaw School of Economics, along with CIVICA partner universities, is implementing the “CIVICA for Ukraine” project as part of the NAWA initiative “Solidarity with Ukraine”. The main objective of the “CIVICA for Ukraine” project is to develop and strengthen cooperation and dialogue between the CIVICA alliance, of which SGH is a member, and the academic communities of selected Ukrainian universities, particularly in the social sciences, humanities, management, and public policy. The project will be implemented from January to December 2023, and will include a variety of activities such as students, doctoral candidates, faculty and staff exchanges from Ukrainian universities, as well as conferences, study visits, internships, summer schools, seminars, workshops, and more.


Platform uni4Ukraine, an initiative of students and teaching staff located primarily at the University of Bucharest. The project aims to identify, monitor and present in one place and in a user-friendly manner, the existing initiatives that support those who flee Ukraine via Romania, irrespective of citizenship. See also: https://uni4ukraine.unibuc.ro/en/help

Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca established a procedure regarding the invitation of academic staff from conflict-prone areas or where academic freedom is at risk.


University of Murcia offers an array of support services to Ukrainian students. Services offered include a student ID card, internet access, and a computer in the free access computer room for Ukrainian students who wish to continue their studies in their home institution. The University can also provide information about enrolment, grants, language classes and assistance with finding accommodation.

Research position available with research group in SoftMatter theory and SImulation at the Barcelona Institute of Materials Science (ICMAB) https://icmab.es/. The group seeks to host a researcher from Ukraine (it could be someone willing to leave the country or that is now outside the country) that cannot continue scientific activities due to the ongoing war. The offer is for a 2 years contract with a gross salary at the level of a postdoc (gross salary 39.133,63 Eur/year)

A postdoctoral position is available at IBF research centre of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). In partnership with Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia (FBB), the centre focuses on advancing knowledge about the physical and chemical processes underlying biology and disease.

Postdoctoral Position in “Surface scaffolds for structural studies of biological membranes under high curvature”

Deadline: Until position is filled.


Comenius University is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on international project CEMBO. CEMBO is aimed at developing Excellence in the Research Area of Combating and Evaluation of Mixed Biofilms. The position is available immediately and is offered on a part-time or full-time basis until November 2023, based in Bratislava. Accommodation is provided. See Science4Ukraine for further details.

UCM Trnava has implemented a variety of measures to assist its students, including psychological support and financial assistance in the form of special scholarships and fee remission. More information: https://lnkd.in/d5qyiqNr

Bratislava Policy Institute lists additional opportunities here.


Swedish Research Council lists support initiatives for researchers from Ukraine.

Stockholm Universityfunding opportunities for Ukrainian researchers.

Lund University provides the following information:


University of Bern, Medical Faculty is offering the following information for Ukrainian students and researchers: War in Ukraine – University of Bern (unibe.ch)

The Swiss Academy – Etudes Modernes offers various forms of financial assistance to Ukrainian students. Funding opportunities include support from Swiss cantonal funds as well as direct sponsorship from the academy itself. Additionally, flexible payment options, such as installment plans for the entire duration of the program, are available.

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): The SNSF has made nine million Swiss francs available for measures at Swiss universities in connection with the war in Ukraine.

United Kingdom

The Isaac Newton Institute Solidarity for mathematicians programme is designed to  give refuge to researchers in the mathematical sciences who have to leave their country of residence. The aim is not only to offer participants a safe home but also to enable them to continue their work and start new scientific collaborations.

University of Oxford Graduate Studies: The Refugee Academic Futures scholarships are available for applicants who have been displaced due to conflict, persecution, or other serious human rights violations or deprivations, whether within or outside their country of origin, and who hold an offer for either a taught or research postgraduate degree, starting in the 2025-26 academic year. This includes all full-time and part-time DPhil and master’s courses.

The Open University has expanded its support for those fleeing to the UK as a result of the war in Ukraine. New initiatives include a twinning programme with Horliv Higher Education Institution (HEI) of Foreign Languages and (HEI) Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics in addition to a postgraduate scholarship for students displaced from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus in partnership with King’s College London..

The University of Edinburgh is a university of sanctuary, and provides the following information for Ukrainian students and researchers: Ukraine | A University of Sanctuary (ed.ac.uk)

University of Cambridge has implemented a variety of measures to assist and support academics and students displaced by the war in Ukraine, including fully funded residential placements, in a wide range of subjects, clinical placements for medical students, and help for academics still working in Ukraine.

2. Fellowships and academic positions outside Europe


Melbourne Humanitarian Access Scholarship (unimelb.edu.au). This scholarship is offered to talented undergraduate and graduate students who have applied for asylum in Australia.

The deadline is 30 November 2024.

Monash Humanitarian Scholarship: Achieving Potential Scholarship for Distinction. Recipients will receive 100% international student funding for the Monash undergraduate degree of your choice plus a yearly allowance of $6000.

The deadline is 29 November 2024.

Macquarie University Ukraine PhD Scholarship offers scholarships for Ukrainian PhD students of any discipline or research area. Candidates must be citizens of Ukraine (currently residing offshore), be qualified to undertake a doctoral programme, and intend to reside in Sydney during their candidature. 

The University of Sydney offers a Visitor Programme for Displaced Mathematical Scientists from Ukraine. The programme supports Ukrainian researchers to temporarily continue their research in a secure and welcoming environment at the Sydney Mathematical Research Institute (SMRI). SMRI will ensure that decisions on applications are made on an ongoing and timely basis, and will provide support for expedited visa applications by successful applicants to the programme.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. 

Western Sydney University offers various scholarships for refugees and asylum seekers.


The Government of Paraná (Brazil), through the Araucária Foundation and the General Superintendence of Science, Technology and Higher Education (SETI), announces the Program for Hosting Ukrainian Scientists. The goal of this initiative is to welcome and facilitate integration of the researchers at Paraná community, especially women, as well as on future joint collaborations for the reconstruction and strengthening of the Ukrainian economy through science and innovation in partnership with the State Government. The researchers will receive a grant of R$10,000.00, in the category of Special Visiting Professor (PVE). In addition, each dependent under the age of 18 and/or ascendant over the age of 60 will receive a supplement of R$1,000.00, with a maximum limit of three supplements of R$1,000.00 for each selected researcher. 


University of Waterloo invites applications for its third summer internship programme for students at risk from Ukraine. This programme will run from May 6 to August 23, 2024, and is designed for students from Ukrainian universities whose studies have been affected by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The program is open to students registered at Ukrainian universities in a fourth-year bachelor’s and any level master’s or doctoral programs for the current academic year (2023/2024). Applications are particularly encouraged from candidates interested in research fields associated with Engineering, Computer Sciences, and Mathematics, but all other specializations represented at the University of Waterloo will be considered. The programme will cover all travel expenses and will provide on-campus housing and a stipend. Applicants are encouraged to apply at the earliest possibility as applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. 

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies also offers the Kolasky Visiting Research Fellowship in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Education and Library Sciences. Scholars who are citizens of Ukraine and affiliated with universities or research institutions in Ukraine are eligible to apply. The fellowship offers a monthly stipend, economy airfare, travel insurance and reimbursement of visa application fees. Deadline: 1 March annually.  

Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) recently released details of a support programme for researchers displaced by the war in Ukraine. The purpose of this program is to offer research opportunities in Quebec to researchers of Ukrainian or Russian nationality. In collaboration with the universities and a host researcher, FRQ proposes to offer financial support for a maximum of 36 months to researchers affected by the current conflict. Deadline: ongoing. 


The Fulbright Program is the oldest and most prestigious international program for exchange of scholars and students funded by the United States government. It offers a number of opportunities for graduate students, young professionals, junior faculty and researchers, including a program for Ukrainian academic and research institutions to host U.S. scholars. 

The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies is pleased to offer fellowships to support significant research and writing about the Holocaust and related topics for projects that will benefit from a period of residence at the Museum and access to its resources. Fellowships are designed for scholars at all levels of career, starting with PhD candidates. Fellows receive a monthly stipend of $5,000, which may be subject to taxes, as well as a one-time travel stipend to support roundtrip, economy transportation to Washington, DC from their home institution.

Applications must be received no later than 11:59 EST US on 15 November 2024.

Worldwide support 

The Scholar Rescue Fund within the Institute of International Education accepts applications from professors and researchers facing threats to their lives or careers. Fellowships support temporary academic positions for up to one year at universities and other higher education institutions anywhere in the world where the scholars can continue their academic work in safety. Professors, researchers, and public intellectuals from any country, field, or discipline may apply. IIE-SRF fellowships are awarded quarterly. Applications are considered in the order in which they are received.

The global Scholars at Risk network collects resources for researchers from Ukraine. Please see list of worldwide opportunities here. 

3. Returning to Ukraine

Ukraine-based positions and fellowships

Call for Applications for the Virtual Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study (VUIAS)- VUIAS will grant fellowships to Ukrainian scholars, coordinate them to form a virtual cohort, organize a colloquium and other virtual and hybrid events for them, establish links with relevant colleagues and academic institutes internationally, and provide services such as access to libraries and assistance in getting work translated and published. VUIAS Fellowships in Ukraine, are granted by the Wissenschaftskolleg to scholars who work and reside in universities and research institutes in Ukraine. Up to 15 scholarships will be granted for a period of ten months and are open to scholars from all academic disciplines. Application deadline is January 31, 2024, 2:00 pm CET.

Excellent Science in Ukraine-The National Research Foundation of Ukraine invites proposals for research and development projects focused on the most important problems of the development of research, technical, socio-economic, social-political, human potential to ensure Ukraine’s competitiveness in the world. Teams of project authors (PI and authors) consisting of up to 7 researchers, including at least one early career researcher, are eligible to apply. Researchers must be based in Ukraine. Deadline: 22 January 2024  23:59 (Kyiv time).

The Remote Fellowships for Researchers from Ukraine from the Hanse-Wirtschaftskolleg – Institute for Advanced Study (HWK) support researchers from Ukraine whose research is hampered due to the war in Ukraine. The fellowships are location independent and are intended to enable researchers to continue their scientific work. The assessment process is ongoing and applicants are encouraged to apply at any time. 

The Linda Hall Ukraine fellowship provides up to two months of virtual funding to a Ukrainian doctoral student or postdoctoral scholar pursuing a history of science or humanities project that would benefit from the Library’s holdings. As with other virtual fellowships, the Ukraine Fellow will conduct research using the Library’s digital collections. This fellowship is offered in partnership with the UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative. Deadline: 19 January 2024.

Linda Hall Virtual fellowships are offered to scholars working offsite, using  resources from the Library’s digital collections. Virtual fellowships last usually between one and four months. Virtual fellows receive personalized research assistance from reference staff and may request complimentary scans of Library resources in accordance with the Library’s in-house digitization policies. Deadline: 19 January 2024. 

NWO Hop-On Call for Researchers Based in Ukraine: NWO-NRFU Partnership Initiative: The aim of this programme is to stimulate online participation of qualified researchers in Ukraine in ongoing NWO (Dutch Research Council) projects and to extend their professional network in the Dutch research community. The NWO project team can provide consulting, information, mentoring and/or other assistance to the individual Ukrainian based research partner. Applications must be submitted by the principal investigator of an ongoing scientific research project funded by the Dutch Research Council . The requested financial support of the Ukraine-based research partner covers the remuneration of one part-time or full-time researcher for 6 to 24 months and material costs. The sum of the remuneration and material costs, i.e. the total grant, is maximized at € 25,000.00. The scheme will close on 8 April 2024. 

The IMPRESS-U programme has recently been launched by the National Science Foundation, USA (NSF) in partnership with the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) and a number of other international research agencies. Research of Ukrainian researchers will be funded by private donors and foundations (this funding will be coordinated by the  National Academy of Science (NAS), USA). NRFU will work closely with NAS to ensure appropriate funding and participation of Ukrainian researchers in collaborative projects. The Initiative provides financial support of Ukraine-based research teams which shall include a PI and at least one PhD/Master’s-student. The Ukraine-based team may also include other researchers and technical staff (if necessary). However, all team members shall be based in Ukraine. NAS intends to raise ~$1,000,000 from private donors and foundations for IMPRESS-U Initiative to support Ukrainian researchers to make 10-15 awards in concert with NSF. To learn more about the IMPRESS-U Initiative please follow NSF or NRFU websites.

In order to apply for the above programme (IMPRESS-U), the US-based Institute for Future Intelligence seeks a Ukrainian partner in the fields of sustainable energy research and education to help Ukraine plan for rebuilding green, smart, and resilient energy infrastructure. The Institute will write the proposal to the National Science Foundation, with inputs from the Ukrainian partner. If funded, the project will be funded for up to two years with funding appropriated and allocated for the Ukrainian part as well. Please contact the Institute directly if you are interested in this international partnership. 

The programmeEconomists for Ukraine’ is designed to support Ukrainian scholars who have chosen or were required to remain in Ukraine. To qualify for the fellowship, applicants must demonstrate (i) a record of scholarship conducted from Ukraine (e.g. publications or preprints prior to the Russian invasion while affiliated with a Ukrainian college, university, or research institution), (ii) a desire to remain in Ukraine, as attested by the applicant, and (iii) a plan of research describing how the fellowship would enable them to carry out additional research activities. Scholars who have fled to another country but desire to return to Ukraine are welcome to apply. Contact [email protected] for further information.

Resources on returning to Ukraine

Please find below information on voluntary return to Ukraine and related resources. For additions to this list, we welcome your suggestions at [email protected]

The European Commission provides advice on returning to Ukraine, either temporarily or on a permanent basis. The Commission has also published a Frequently Asked Questions document on going home to Ukraine on a voluntary basis in the context of Temporary Protection.

Some supports from individual member states are listed below:

From Germany to Ukraine: Due to the security situation in Ukraine, assisted voluntary return to Ukraine from Germany through the IOM programmes REAG/GARP and StarthilfePlus in Ukraine is currently not supported. However, please visit here for information on return counselling centres in Germany and other resources.

From Belgium to Ukraine: Belgium organises returns on a voluntary basis for people living in Belgium without a permanent residence permit and who have decided to return to live in their home country. Fedasil is the government agency responsible for the voluntary return pro­gramme from Belgium. 

From Hungary to Ukraine: Useful Q&A on rights of those with temporary protection status in Hungary & temporary return to Ukraine. 

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) published a position on voluntary return to Ukraine in June 2023. Although UNHCR is not promoting returns to Ukraine at the current time due to the ongoing international armed conflict, it is recognised that some Ukrainians living abroad may take personal decisions to return. See the position paper for further information on safeguards and key considerations in relation to voluntary return to Ukraine.

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has published a strategy for supporting return to Ukraine.  As of July 2023, IOM is not providing assisted voluntary return to Ukraine as the conditions for facilitating safe and dignified assisted return are not yet in place, but limited movement assistance may take place to mitigate protection risks in exceptional situations.

Please see IOM Ukraine Response for updated information on the situation in Ukraine.

General resources on return & reintegration 

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM)  Return and Reintegration Platform contains good practices in the field of migrant return and reintegration. 

UNHCR Resources on Voluntary Repatriation including legal, policy and background information. This “Special Feature” on voluntary repatriation is regularly maintained and contains legal, policy and operational material. 

The European Return and Reintegration Network (ERRIN) was a joint initiative of 16 EU Member States and Schengen-associated countries, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA / FRONTEX) and the European Commission. The ERINN  website contains a number of resources including information materials, publications and outreach tools

4. Other support measures

Support organisations and repositories

ScienceforUkraine is a non-governmental organisation run by volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. Its mission is to support the Ukrainian academic community in surviving Russia’s war and to help ensure the continuity of Ukraine’s science and strengthen its presence in the international science arena.

Czexpats in Science strives to build an active community of Czech scientists abroad and connect them to scientists and research institutions in the Czech Republic. Czexpats in Science offers support to Ukrainian scientists in the Czech Republic by providing urgent help to fleeing researchers to secure their basic needs and to find job opportunities matching their profile and qualifications and offering long-term support to Ukrainian scientists temporarily working in Czechia with integration into the Czech academic environment as well as society in general.

Building on the work of Czexpats in Science, the Czech-Ukrainian scientific society was launched in 2023. Its mission is to unite all scientific forces in the Czech Republic, coordinate and support various scientific centers, initiatives, projects, ideas, individual scientists, and develop collaboration between Czech and Ukrainian scientists.

The German-Ukrainian Academic Society is a non-profit association with the main aim of fostering academic cooperation between Germany and Ukraine. The Society coordinates support for Ukrainian scientists in Germany, including supports for students and researchers, job opportunities, and information for Ukrainians fleeing the war.

House of Europe is an EU-funded programme fostering professional and creative exchange between Ukrainians and their colleagues in EU countries and the UK. The online platform contains information about a wide range of EU opportunities available to Ukrainians.

ELIA is a European network of Higher Arts Education. Please see the resources page to find links to relevant initiatives to support Ukraine organised by members across Europe .

Mentorship programmes

The Ukraine Science Diaspora platform coordinates a mentorship programme for Ukrainian researchers. Expressions of interest are invited from Ukrainian scholars who wish to enhance their scientific skills and expertise. Researchers will be mentored by representatives of the Ukrainian science diaspora who have successful experience in conducting and/or administering research activities on the international level.

#ScienceForUkraine mentoring support in Latvia. This programme is intended for students and scholars who need help to get oriented in Latvia’s support programmes and science and higher education system, or to find a hosting institution. Send your request to: [email protected] with a subject “Mentoring in Latvia”.

The Research Training Group “Situated Cognition” (a DFG-Graduiertenkolleg) offers individual support and consultation for finding a fellowship or other financial and educational support to study and work in Germany. Members of the research group are prepared to offer their expertise as well as their international and national contacts to protect and support any Ukrainian researcher in situated cognition (on all career levels) who seeks help.

The Royal Society of Canada’s At-Risk and Displaced Academics and Artists Programme-The RSC College invites applications for membership from academics and artists who have been displaced through war, conflicts, or threats of violence and who prior to their displacement were engaged in innovative and entrepreneurial activity, demonstrating a commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration, leadership, and responsibility to communities and who were making meaningful contributions to society. The programme supports participants through membership, mentorship and workshops. Deadline: 16 February 2024. 

Psychosocial supports

The National Psychological Association is a professional association of professional psychologists and the representative of Ukraine in the European Federation of Psychological Associations. The NPA offers free psychological consultations for the public in Ukraine with specialists via their hotline. The hotline is also available to those residing outside Ukraine.

The NPA website also contains an information page with useful resources to support the mental health of the Ukrainian population.

Therapists for Ukraine: The therapists on this website have agreed to offer free, online counselling for any person directly affected by the war in Ukraine. 

Sane Ukraine offers free daily online trauma and resilience support sessions for Ukrainians everywhere. 

Temporary Protection Directive Resources

The European Council for Refugees and Exiles has published an Information sheet collating information on the measures taken by European countries to address the arrival of people fleeing the war in Ukraine (UA). The Information Sheet provides non-exhaustive country-by-country information on the policy and legal developments in response to arrivals from UA, including measures adopted on entry and stay requirements, reception, asylum procedures, and information on national measures implementing the Council Decision on the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD), and/or establishing other special statuses for persons fleeing Ukraine.

Open Access resources

Research4Life: open access to information resources for Ukraine institutions.

Wiley offers waivers and discounts to corresponding authors based in low- and middle-income countries (including Ukraine).

The Cambridge Open Equity Initiative is a new pilot designed to support authors in low- and middle-income countries who wish to publish their research open access but do not have access to the funding. The initiative covers over 5,000 institutions around the world, with over 100 countries eligible for fully funded open access publishing in gold and hybrid journals, at no direct cost to the authors or their institutions. Any queries should be addressed to [email protected]. 

Educational initiatives

European Commission’s Guidelines on fast-track recognition of Ukrainian academic qualifications

Ukraine Global Faculty is a not-for-profit initiative formed to provide Ukrainian students and professionals (including scholars) with access to state-of-the-art online lectures and master classes.

Ukrainian Global University (UGU) aims to bring together the world’s best educational institutions to support Ukrainians and give them opportunities for high-quality education. The main goal of the UGU initiative is to overcome the devastating consequences of Russia’s aggressive war and jointly with the international intellectual community help Ukrainian people gain access to the world’s best institutions for a commitment to come back and rebuild Ukraine.

Invisible University for Ukraine is a certificate programme offered by the Central European University for junior and senior undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA and PhD) students from Ukraine, whether residing in Ukraine or in refuge, whose studies have been affected by the war. The programme offers an intensive learning experience on the role of Ukraine in changing European and global contexts, placing questions relevant for Ukrainian students into a transnational comparative perspective. The programme is not meant to replace or duplicate the existing education opportunities in Ukrainian universities, but to support them by filling the lacunae that temporarily emerged due to the Russian invasion.

5. MSCA4Ukraine webinars & events

25th October 2023- Open Science principles and practices

19 September 2023- Strengthening the Ukrainian higher education and research sector: The role of displaced researchers from Ukraine.

24th May 2023- Research ethics in science communication, delivered at the Phillip Schwartz/Inspireurope+ forum

4th May 2023- Exploring funding opportunities in the EU and beyond: Advice for researchers from Ukraine

6. Relevant external events

  • 21st-24th November 2024:  Ukrainian Open Science Forum in Lviv | Peers Int. Ukrainian Open Science Forum in Lviv, aimed to bring together International experts in Open Science and related fields to foster the implementation of the National Open Science Plan in Ukraine by sharing ideas, hosting discussions, and informing policy.
  • 24th-25th October 2024: Open Science and Innovation in Ukraine 2024 – Конференція 2024 (dntb.gov.ua). Third International Conference “Open Science and Innovation in Ukraine 2024,” which will be held online
  • 24 September 2024: DFG, German Research Foundation – Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers.  Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers, Emmy Noether Programme (Germany).
  • 12 September 2024: ERC Work Program 2025 webinar. The European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) virtually as officials speak from Brussels to an international audience and present on next year’s work program. The event will be live-streamed on YouTube on Thursday, September 12th, 2024 at 15.00h CEST.
  • 5th-9th February 2024: Women in Science Week 2024.A virtual week of events with selected webinars and scavenger hunts to improve the recognition and visibility of women and minorities in STEM fields. All webinars are free to attend. Registration deadline: 2nd February 2024.
  • 29 November 2023: Tools for Open Science Practices, 12-13.00 CET. This webinar is hosted by Eurodoc as part of its lunchtime series for Early Career Researchers. Giulia Malaguarnera, Outreach and Engagement Officer of OpenAIRE, will guide researchers on the tools in support of performing research activities and discover, publish, share, and how to link these activities and highlight them in researchers’ curricula.
  • 8 November 2023: Celebrating a New Start: the Virtual Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study. This evening event marks the inauguration of the Virtual Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study. VUIAS was founded in 2023 by the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin in cooperation with partner institutions from the US, Europe and Ukraine. To attend the event on-site at Wallotstr. 19 in Berlin, please RSVP until November 6 by phone: +49 30 / 89001-0 or e-mail: [email protected].
  • 8-10 November 2023: An interdisciplinary conference organised by the Ukraine in European Dialogue programme at IWM Vienna will be held at the Institute for Hum Sciences in Vienna. Interested participants should submit a brief paper abstract (300 words) along with a CV to [email protected] by 18 September 2023.
  • 1 November 2023: How can science become an engine for rebuilding Ukraine? “With Robert Schlögl, Oleksandra Antoniouk (Ukrainian National Council on Science and Technology Development) et al. Following the implementation of emergency support programmes, this panel discussion will focus on the long-term reconstruction efforts, while maintaining support to displaced researchers.
  • 26-27 October 2023: 2nd International conference on Open science and Innovation in Ukraine 2023 #OSICU2023. The aim of the conference is to stimulate dialogue among stakeholders of the scientific community to discuss practical aspects of implementing the principles of open science and innovation in Ukraine. The conference aims to explore viable solutions to address pressing issues such as uninterrupted access to research infrastructure, free access to full-text scholarly publications, the need to reform the system of research evaluation, and accelerate the integration of Ukrainian science into the European Research Area by aligning with European Union policies on open science and data exchange formats.
  • 19 October 2023: The Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta) and the Ukrainian Studies Program at the Harriman Institute, Columbia University, announce the availability of stipends to support attendance by early career scholars at the conference The Assault on Culture in Ukraine: The Holodomor Years, to be held at Columbia University October 19, 2023. Travel grants of up to $800.00 are available to offset the costs of conference attendance. Deadline: 01 September 2023.
  • 17 October 2023: Inspireurope+ webinar, The Power of Networking for Researchers at Risk, 14.00-15.00 CEST. Whether you’re planning a future career in academia or moving into another career sector, this webinar will help at-risk researchers to consider how to use the power of networking. Registration available here.
  • 10-11 October 2023: Science for Policy in Europe Conference, Building better Science for policy eco-systems. Organised by European Commission, this conference will bring together policymakers, science advisors, researchers, ethics experts, and other professionals in science-for-policy ecosystems.
  • 5 October 2023: Humboldt4Ukraine: Supporting researchers-ensuring the future of an innovative Ukraine. All researchers from Ukraine currently working in Germany, Ukraine, and elsewhere as well as members of the broader academic community are invited to join this digital networking event.
  • 3-4 October 2023: Swedish-Ukrainian Contact Seminar 2023. The aim of this event is to strengthen collaboration between Sweden and Ukraine an offer an opportunity to learn more about funding opportunities in education and research.
  • 14 September 2023: Lessons Learned, The UK’s HE in Response to the Invasion of Ukraine. This webinar was jointly organised by Universities UK International and Halpin Partnership (Halpin).
  • 4 September- 5 October 2023: a free full-time Microsoft Azure training is provided to Ukrainian refugees by the Shortcut in association with Microsoft and the Ukrainian Association in Finland. Finland is in dire need of cloud experts and this training will enable participants to learn high in-demand skills by providing hands-on-training that will enable attendees to find a job in the industry.
  • September 2023: Upon Help Ukraine Group (HUG) initiative, Stanford radiation oncology department is organizing the online course for radiation oncologists, medical physicists, and RTTs and inviting Ukrainians to participate. The course is starting in September and will finish in November with 2 lectures per week. Lectures will be in English covering clinical and practical aspects of treating a clinical site taught by a radiation oncologists and treatment planning details taught by a dosimetrist or physicist.
  • 27 June 2023 University of St. Andrews offers a free online tutorial on using Git and GitHub, organised as a part of the “Research Software Camp: FAIR software” programme by the Software Sustainability Institute. It will be taught in Ukrainian. For further details and registration, please see following link.
  • 1st & 2nd June 2023 Young Science Beyond Borders, online conference. The YSBB 2023 is a multidisciplinary research and networking conference intended to create a discussion forum for Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRS) up to 12 years after PhD from Poland and students primarily from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In particular, the conference is dedicated to scientists at risk, including conflict-affected countries (e.g. Ukraine). Registration deadline: 10 May 2023. 
  • 19 May 2023 Onwards and Upwards: Reforming Ukraine During the War. This event is organised by VoxUkraine with support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and will bring together Ukrainian and foreign government officials, civil servants, business leaders, experts, and representatives of civil society to foster a productive discussion and exchange of insights and experiences.
  • 27 March 2023 Info Session Erasmus for Young entrepreneurs – Ukraine (SMP-COSME-2023-EYEUA) 14:00 CEST –16:30 CEST. Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) exists since 2009. It gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other Participating Countries, while giving experienced entrepreneurs access to innovative ideas and new partners and/or markets. 11.000 matches have been successfully completed under in this cross-border exchange programme so far.
  • 27-31 March 2023 UA-DIGITAL 2023: UA Digital Theme Research Twinning. UA-DIGITAL 2023 ( https://www.digital-ukraine.co.uk/ ) is a UK-Ukraine twinning event which aims to promote research collaboration with Ukraine along the Digital Theme (Mathematics, Computer Science, Computational Engineering) and it is organised by UK team of #ScienceForUkraine and The University of Liverpool.
  • 20-22 March 2023 2nd Conference on the Ukraine Crisis: One year of war in Ukraine, exploring the impact on the science sector and supporting initiatives. This March as the war unfortunately continues, gaining intensity, ALLEA and the International Science Council seek to highlight the need for ongoing support to the Ukrainian higher education and scientific communities via this conference and associated activities. The conference aims to mobilise the scientific community to critically examine the surge of protection and support efforts during the past year and assess ways forward for enhanced support and  post-conflict reconstruction. The conference will take place virtually.
  • 24 February 2023 Education Disrupted: Universities in a Time of War. Conference co-hosted by Redlands University, Bratislava and Economics University, Kyiv National Economics University. As the war approaches its second year, this online conference will discuss, discover and highlight the effects on Ukraine’s higher education system.
  • 14 February 2023 Ukrainian Displacement in Europe, One Year Later 4:00 P.M. CET (Brussels, Berlin) / 3:00 P.M. GMT (Lisbon, London) / 10:00 A.M. ET (New York, DC). Migration Policy Institute Europe Speakers: Hanne Beirens, Director, MPI Europe, Esther Pozo-Vera, Head of Asylum Unit, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission.
  • Feb 9-10 2023. Harvard Ukrainian Research Centre TCUP Conference, Rebuilding Ukraine, Rebuilding the World. The 2023 TCUP Conference looks to the future. After victory, what will rebuilding Ukraine look like? Panels focus on truth, justice, and accountability, as well as the economic and physical challenges of reconstruction. The conference combines virtual and in-person panels for a hybrid discussion about how Ukraine can move forward when the war is over. Keynote Address by Oleksandra Matviichuk, human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist.
  • 6 February 2023, War Crimes & Crimes of Aggression in Ukraine hosted by European Policy Centre, 15:00-16:00.
  • 3 February 2023 EU/Ukraine Summit: Expectations a year into Russia’s full-scale war. Hosted by Open Society EU Policy, 10 am CET.
  • 31 January 2023. Higher Education in Ukraine: past overview, present state, and future perspectives.  14:00-1500 GMT, Centre for Global Higher Education. The presentation gives an overview of the development of higher education in Ukraine focusing on contemporary education policies and some of the problems the country faces in implementing education reform. Speaker: Nadiya Ivanenko Research Fellow, Department of Education, University of Oxford, PhD in Comparative Linguistics.
  • 30 January 2023. Ukraine: lessons learned and the future of law. Aleksanteri Institute/University of Helsinki. Speaker: Judge Jamie Baker, Director of the Syracuse University Institute for Security Policy and Law.

  • 16 January 2023: Myths and Misconceptions about the Language Situation in Ukraine University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 18.00-19.30 GMT. Speaker: Volodymr Kulyk, Head Research Fellow at the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences Ukraine.
  • 13 December 2022: The Ukrainian Displacement Crisis: A Conversation with the European Commission’s Director General for Migration and Home Affairs 9:30 A.M. ET (New York, D.C.) / 8:30 A.M. CT (Chicago) / 3:30 P.M. CET (Brussels). Speakers: Monique Pariat, Director General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission Moderator: Meghan Benton, Director, International Program, Migration Policy Institute (MPI) Introduction by: Andrew Selee, President, MPI.
  • 8 December 2022: Ukraine and Europe in the midst of war: closer than ever?  14:00-15.30 GMT. Online Lecture by: Professor Volodymyr Dubovyk (Odessa I. Mechnikov National University (Ukraine) Chaired by Prof John O’Brennan. Hosted by the Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian Studies (a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence), supported by Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute.
  • 10 November 2022: “Talent Retention: How can Europe tackle the challenges of brain drain and capacity building in EU13 countries?” Science|Business – YouTube
  • 26 October 2022UKRAINET #Stand With Ukraine Webinar Series “PhD in Ukraine, (in English) Speaker: Ganna Tolstanova, Vice-Rector (Research) of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Moderated: Dr. Olesia Lazarenko (German-Ukrainian Academic Society/ Viadrina). Presentation: video-recording and  slides
  • July 2022: A panel of higher education colleagues from Ukraine share their experiences of learning from teaching and supporting students and their colleagues under extreme wartime conditions at Advance HE’s Teaching and Learning Conference. A recording of the discussion is available here.

7. Policy reports & publications