Other (non-fellowship) resources for researchers at risk and employers

In addition to the organisations listed in the fellowships and placements section above, the following initiatives include other (non-fellowship) specific resources for researchers at risk, such as information/guidance materials, career development webinars and trainings, and policy reports.

Name of project/ Initiative & Description

Inspireurope is a coordinated, cross-sectoral, Europe-wide alliance for researchers at risk. These are defined as researchers who are at risk in their countries of origin (due to discrimination, persecution, suffering and/or violence) or are seeking refuge out of these reasons or have recently found refuge in Europe.

EURAXESS- Science4Refugees
The Science4Refugees initiative on the EURAXESS portal provide information on research internships, part-time and full-time jobs listings, access to a European Research Community, as well as a complete range of information and support services on working and living in Europe

BRiDGE – Step II (Dec 2018-November 2020
BRiDGE – Step II is the successor to the BRiDGE project and is focussing on supporting the long-term careers of 300 highly skilled refugee researchers and their integration in to the labour markets of the European Union member states and its associated countries

BRiDGE project (April 2018-March 2020)
The BRiDGE project was an all-in-one solution for the localised guidance of refugee researchers and enabled the 40 EUAXESS country members in the European Research Area to identify and utilise the potential of refugee researchers across Europe.

Birarada was established to carry out educational and research activities for the benefit of society and nature, to carry out artistic and cultural activities, to support the activities being carried out, to solidarity with individuals and institutions with similar purposes and to strengthen the existing solidarity

The SCIREA project
The aim of the Horizon 2020 ‘SCIREA’ project was to help skilled refugees on the Greek islands be accepted into European academic institutions and to improve their qualifications.

CARe project January 2019 – October 2020
The CARe project (Career Advancement for Refugee Researchers in Europe) aims to support the integration of researchers with a refugee background into the European research labour market.

S.U.C.RE. 2016 – 2018
S.U.C.RE. specifically focused on the processes required for the proper integration of refugees/migrants (students and scholars) in higher education as well as on their academic support after their acceptance/entrance in a University

Academic Refuge 2016- 2019
The EU-funded ‘Academic Refuge’ project aimed to improve the capacity of European universities to assist refugees and threatened academics on campus and to promote understanding and respect for higher education values

SIMHE Services
The aim of SIMHE services is to enhance the identification and recognition of prior learning of highly educated immigrants of different statuses and make it easier to direct immigrants to higher education on national and regional levels.

CMinaR 2016-2019
The CMinaR project aimed to tackle the challenge of integrating refugees and migrants into the labour market by bringing together experienced partners from countries that are amongst the most affected by, and play a key role for refugees’ integration