Inspireurope 2020 Virtual Stakeholder Forum
When: Monday, June 8, 2020 – 09:30 to 17:30
Where: Virtual event
The Inspireurope 2020 Virtual Stakeholder Forum took place on Monday, June 8, 2020 (See Programme for Inspireurope Virtual Stakeholder Forum June 8th 2020 ). Recordings and presentations now available below. Here is a Preliminary list of support in Europe for researchers at risk , including the measures and organisations referenced during the 11am and 12pm sessions of the forum. For those interested in careers in the non-academic sector, please find information here on Career transitions out of academia . In addition past webinars for researchers at risk and employers can be found on the Inspireurope website here.
09:30- 13:00 (CET) Morning plenary sessions:
9.30: Welcome remarks by Laura Lohéac, Executive Director of PAUSE, Collège de France
Opening speech by Anne-Sophie Barthez; Director General for Higher Education and Employability at the French Ministry of Higher Education. See here for the Opening speech in French and here for the Opening speech in English
9.45: Panel discussion ‘More important than ever: Academic freedom for quality research and innovation’:
Moderator: Dr. Sijbolt Noorda, Magna Charta Observatory
Prof. Michael Murphy, European University Association (EUA)
Prof. Philippe Aghion, Collège de France
Prof. Dr. Katrin Kinzelbach, Friedrich- Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
To learn more about the Academic Freedom Index (AFi) mentioned by Prof. Dr. Katrin Kinzelbach, please see the following documents:
– Report introducing the Academic Freedom Index (March 2020)
– To explore the data from the AFi per country/ region
If you are interested in coding academic freedom in your country, please see the call for experts here
To view a recording of this panel discussion, please see below:
12.00: Panel discussion on ‘Expanding opportunities in Europe for researchers at risk’:
Moderator: Sinead O’Gorman, SAR Europe
Michael Gaebel, European University Association
Ulla Engelmann, DG GROW, European Commission
Claire Morel, MSCA Unit, European Commission
Matthias Girod, Euroscience
Click here to view Michael Gaebel’s presentation on the Summary findings of Inspireurope mapping of European approaches to hosting researchers at risk
Here is a Preliminary list of support in Europe for researchers at risk , including the EU-funded projects and resources mentioned during this panel.
To view a recording of this panel discussion, please click below:
14:00- 15:30 (CET): Workshop for prospective employers/hosts on ‘Mentoring and supporting researchers at risk’.
To view the recording of this workshop, please see below:
Workshops by the Association Bernard Gregory (ABG)
For those interested in opportunities outside of academia, please read this resource from ABG on Career transitions out of academia
14:00- 15:30 (CET): Workshop 1 on ‘Non-academic research careers for PhD holders in Humanities and Social Sciences’.
To view a recording of this workshop, please see below:
16:00- 17:30 (CET): Workshop 2 on ‘Non-academic research careers for PhD holders in STEM; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics’.
To view a recording of this workshop, please see below:
Project partners have also been engaging in Preliminary discussions on outreach to industry for researchers at risk which will be expanded upon over the course of the Inspireurope project.