CARe Focus Group for refugee researchers

Thursday, November 21, 2019 – 11:00
Maynooth University

This event will involve discussions with 5-10 invited displaced scholars, at-risk scholars and researchers with refugee background on the research labour market in Ireland. The discussion language will be in English.
The event will gather information on researcher experiences with employers and searching for an employment in Ireland, as well as in the challenges encountered this far.

The aim of the event is to map the needs, interests and competences of displaced scholars, at-risk scholars and researchers with refugee background that are navigating the research labour market in different European countries.

The findings will be used for improving country specific information available on the EURAXESS portal and for analysing the current employment situation and perspectives, as well as identifying the needs for the development of support structures.

Please kindly note, that this focus group is not a recruitment event and it does not provide direct support for individual employment.  However, the insights gathered as part of project results will hopefully help to ease the labour market integration of researchers with refugee background in the future.

The event is open to the following people:

– displaced scholars, at-risk scholars and researchers with refugee background residing in Ireland
– researchers from PhD students to established researchers who have developed a level of independence
– researchers with any employment status: employed at a university, public or private sector, unemployed, or other.

The event is finished.


Nov 21 2019


All Day