Academic Freedom International Working Group & Chatham House Panel Discussion, March 3, 2022

Academic Freedom International Working Group (AFIWG) & Chatham House Panel Discussion, Risks to Academic Freedom in the Context of Internationalisation of UK Higher Education: What Can Universities Do?

The UK higher education sector has seen rapid internationalisation in the last twenty years, presenting both opportunities and risks to academic freedom and the academic community. Security risks and opportunities for surveillance and censorship have only multiplied following the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to distance learning education, while self-censorship and the safety of UK-affiliated staff and students conducting research abroad on sensitive topics remains an ongoing challenge.

UK HE institutions have a unique opportunity to lead and set an example on how best to mitigate these risks. By committing to measures of transparency and accountability, and putting these into practice in their own charters and procedures, universities may demonstrate that they are protecting academic freedom from financial, political, security and other pressures.

The purpose of this online panel discussion is to highlight existing best practice in the sector and to have an honest discussion about risk management and the necessity for transparency and self-regulation. It will look at the background and context of the Academic Freedom & Internationalisation Working Group(AFIWG)’s Model Code of Conduct, and how useful it has been as a tool in ongoing policy-making processes within HE institutions. The first part of the panel event will be open to the public for registration and will take place between 13:00-14:00pm GMT, followed by an invitation-only panel discussion under Chatham House rules, from 14:00-15:00pm GMT.

Information and registration information here.

The event is finished.


Mar 03 2022


All Day